The High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise finalist for Digital Innovation

The High Sheriffs Awards
4 minutes read

We are proud to announce that we are nominated as a finalist in The High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise. Now in their 15th year, in partnership with the University of Chester, the awards offer prestigious accolades to Cheshire organisations. Think Beyond has been nominated in the category of Digital Innovation, awarded for the most innovative use of technology for business transformation.

We offer a range of neuroscience solutions that virtually eliminate bias, bringing customers high-quality research techniques. So, without further ado, read on to find out more.


The High Sheriff’s Awards nomination delights founders

Our co-founder, Mercè Cozens, said that “It is a privilege and a surprise to receive a nomination”.

She added that, “We are a small boutique management consultancy that works with boards and senior marketers to enable accelerated time to value with our research, plan and change services. Using data, technology and science, we offer something unique to market. Our customer understood this and were forward in their thinking in adopting these techniques.”

Co-founder, Steven Cozens, added that “With our value-add solutions, we help businesses to find new opportunities for revenue growth and to accelerate business performance. From strategic business planning to transformation, from market profiling to neuroscience and lead generation to assurance, we offer best in class options for both the C-suite and marketing leaders and I am really pleased that our work is being recognised.”

He added that, “With neuroscience, we predict and/or measure how people will respond to your brand, your programmes, packaging and customer and employee experience”.


Innovate with neuroscience

We became a finalist for our neuroscience work focusing on how the brain influences behaviour. This gives us insight into neural links to psychological processes when exposed to brands, campaigns, experiences and packaging. Our solutions are delivered online and via apps to find answers to business questions that otherwise go unanswered.

Why does it matter?

  • The majority of our purchasing decisions are subconscious, which means that they are nearly entirely emotional and outside of our control.
  • What your eyes see is not what the brain processes, so what one person thinks ‘looks good’ may not cause the desired response.
  • Traditional research tools are prone to varying levels of bias with participants unable to explain their subconscious responses or providing misleading answers.
  • Businesses increase the success rate of marketing initiatives by understanding what works and what doesn’t earlier in the process.
  • Transformations succeed more often when they are based on accurate insights into business problems rather than opinions.

Where do we apply it?

  • Brands:
    • Create more positive association with a brand.
    • Create a clear ‘real estate’ in the minds of customers.
  • Programmes:
    • Create an emotional and physiological response.
    • Create memorable campaigns to trigger the ‘right’ emotions.
  • Experiences
    • Positive experiences increase spend, loyalty and advocacy.
    • Positive valence and high activation more of the time.
  • Packaging
    • Boost ‘in-aisle’ sales, impulse purchasing and unboxing CX.
    • Boost recognition, association and consumption CX.


Enterprise innovation and The High Sheriff’s Awards

Having conducted work with a handful of universities and business schools, we understand innovation. From start-up to growth fund or entrepreneur to enterprise awards, growth stems from innovative ideas and businesses. That’s why Think Beyond is honoured to be recognised by The High Sheriff of Cheshire, Robert Mee DL.

We have known for a little while that the application of neuroscientific approaches has huge benefits. Furthermore, with applications as simple as branding and marketing to transformational journeys through customer experience (CX) and Six Sigma, we can apply them. So, how do we do this? Put simply, we conduct online studies to test various hypotheses and to harvest virtually unbiased quantitative data.

Examples include a virtual store display to measure packaging response on the human nervous system. Another includes uncovering the biases within employees that hinder employee experience (EX) and contribute to the great resignation. The possibilities are endless but all of them have the scope to provide much more accurate results than surveys, focus groups and interviews. In summary, we are delighted that new innovations through digital are breaking through into the mainstream.


Researching your customers, market and competitors

We are a management consultancy offering strategic planning and assurance to research studies and transformation. With expertise in business, finance and marketing, we seek to help you grow revenue and profit. We offer pricing based on fully-costed projects and also day rates if you need flexible support.

Our clients cover both B2B and B2C corporates from owner-managed to private equity. With over 40 years’ experience between our two founders from backroom to boardroom, we have seen a cornucopia of commerce, companies, crises and challenges.

In Mercè’s words, “We are comfortable being uncomfortable. Research provides new insights and unforeseen answers. When delivered with scientific techniques, including via mobile devices, the results are game-changing and challenge the status quo.” Steven agrees that, “Acting as a sounding board, change agent, confidant or a critical friend, is often uncomfortable for both parties. The important thing is to recognise what you don’t know or that you want to make a change. So, when the results surprise you, we need to be aware of our habits and where we are on the change curve.”

If you would like to speak to one of our team, please complete our 30-second contact form for a call back.

Alternatively, why not send us a short message or read our approach and why we do what we do.

Finally, why not find out more about our customer research services, our insights and industry reports and our scientific approaches.