Try business, finance and marketing consultants with a difference. Qualified, experienced and professional advice you can trust. Get a head start on business improvement and the resource you need.
Consultant and advisory
Firstly, consultants brings a wealth of knowledge, industry experience and frameworks to help you grow and adapt. We support you to achieve your marketing goals with expert advice, frameworks, models and tools. A consultant is a great starting point if you need help to get started or to enhance what you already have.
A CIM Chartered Marketer or ACCA Chartered Accountant make an ideal partner to provide advice, support and guidance during times of change. Would you like support with change? Do you need to grow revenue and margin? Do you need to save money to reinvest elsewhere? How about a full-scale transformation? In summary, we are your external support.
Use cases:
1) Business change
2) Business planning
3) Advisory services
4) Gap in management team
5) Independent expert
6) Sounding boardUse with: Planning, Programmes, Assurance and Transformation.
Hiring Consultant Resource
Hiring an independent expert is as easy as 1-2-3. Our friendly team have the best marketing qualification and an internationally recognised accountancy qualification. A Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Chartered Marketer is the highest status in the profession. An Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) Chartered Accountant has a broad knowledge of business. This broad skillset allows us to support your change.
We know how challenging change can be. With all this uncertainty, much change is reactive or day-to-day operations. Real change focuses on doing things better or doing things differently. Transformation does both. Whatever journey you are on, rest assured that we can support better outcomes.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
There are times when resources are stretched, when you need help to find new opportunities or to accelerate your business performance. A business consultant acts as an independent expert to advise, support and guide business leaders and marketers through change and transformation.
You use a marketing consultant when resources are tight, when entering new markets, launching new products, researching markets and customers, to improve marketing and sales performance and add value. Consultancy projects are typically either a fixed cost for a piece of work or an estimated number of days to complete a project.
Yes, if required, our business and marketing consultants have sat on boards in the past and we can act as an independent advisor. So, if there is a gap on the board or a department has never been represented, we also provide the bridge to your teams.
Senior business leaders and marketers have a choice of consultancy firms. Some operate in niches. Some deliver the work through graduates. Others have little in the way of qualifications. Occasionally, big firms deliver part of the work but leave many questions unanswered. We have the qualifications, experience, broad knowledge and attention to detail so that you get the most value from a consultant.