Think Beyond and Inventya answer how to strategically plan marketing in 2021

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2 minutes read

This morning business leaders in innovation got their marketing plans for 2021 as Think Beyond and Inventya answer how to strategically plan marketing in 2021.

The online “women in Innovation: strategic marketing plan for 2021 – are we ready?” event addressed how to attract and retain business with a strategic plan.


How to plan strategically for 2021 with our marketing and innovation event

Opening with introductions and considerations on marketing and strategy from Dr Giulia Sirigu (Inventya / EEN) Women in Innovation and EEN support, the virtual event was then split into 3 major parts. Our very own Mercè Cozens discussed:

  • Marketing strategy for 2021 – why strategy?
  • Strategic marketing plan and audit
  • Marketing activities: how to achieve it

Finally, the event was rounded off with marketing goals for 2021 and a free flow question and answer session.


Strategic planning webinar sets scene for 2021 marketing

Firstly, Mercè Cozens, founder of Think Beyond said, “Thanks once again to my fabulous co-host Dr Giulia Sirigu (Inventya / EEN) for making this bespoke webinar a reality.

“We previously collaborated in September, delivering the marketing trends 2021: what do I need to plan for? session. It was great to see some familiar faces and meet new ones too.

Strategic planning is essential in marketing to determine where you are, where you want to be and providing the road map to get there.”

Secondly, Dr Giulia Sirigu added, “Thank you to everyone who took time out of their schedules to join us this morning. It is my goal to support businesses in their innovation journeys and to help innovative businesses to grow – locally, nationally and globally.”


Prepare your marketing for 2021

Missed today’s event, “Think Beyond and Inventya answer how to strategically plan marketing in 2021?”. Why not search upcoming marketing webinars and events with us.

Additionally, get support with your marketing strategy for 2021 by reaching out to Think Beyond direct.

Call 01565 632206 or email to book a free consultation so we can help you plan for 2021.

Also, why not request a call back by filling in our quick contact form.

Lastly, browse our website to discover how our consulting services can support your business growth.